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DREAM FORUM - Shark life or death competition
POSTED October 2, 2011, 07:07 by Abby27 (Viewed 24 times)

THE DREAM : I arrive at a jetty where there is a shocking life threatening game (like gladiator) where people try to swim to the end of the bay and back without being eaten by sharks. There are tonnes of blood and animal flesh poured into the water to attract the sharks.The bay water is half red/blood. I see swimmer after swimmer make it half way only to have a shark try to attack. The swimmer fights with his/her hands whilst bleeding from the teeth tearing the hands. Then I see myself in the water, closer to the shore. An elder but healthy man informs me to stay close to the shore as the sharks only go in the deeper end. So I made it with his guidance without getting attacked. And we won the competition. Yet at the end of the dream I kept thinking how stupid it was that we were allowed to win such a dangerous game in such an easy way. I could not believe it.

THE BACKGROUND:Am having trouble with mother in law interfering and ruining my wonderful relationship with my fiance. We are meant to get married in two months and have called it off due to her and I cannot see a way forward. She is causing us to have arguments to a sickly point yet my partner wont stand up for us.
Abby27 (POSTED October 2, 2011, 07: 7: 30)
I think the shark was supposed to represent the mother in law. But then I wonder if the person fighting the shark represents every other person that has to deal with her, or if it's my partner battling it out with her. Then I wonder if the elder man guiding me to the safer way was my partner or if he was a new man guiding me through a new life and then laughing off how silly it was I put up with all this.

Unclesirbobby (POSTED October 2, 2011, 11: 7: 33)
Well I think the shark probably does represent your Mother in law. But deep inside this dream there are discussions about strategies. Sometimes we react to other people who are telling us how to behave. Say for instance your fiance told you that it would be easy to avoid trouble ... no problem. You might be reacting to that.

So really this may not be about your major worry .. your mother in law. It could be about someone irritating you by saying how you should react towards your mother in law... saying how easy it is...

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Dream types
A modern theory of dreams
Dream dictionary and dream symbol study

DREAM INTERPRETATION PROGRAM: When you post a dream a list of symbols will appear here. They will help you work out what has caused your dream. The following dream symbols all appear in THIS DREAM.

SHARKS: - Who or what would you describe as shark like right now?
-Have you been worried about hidden dangers?
-Did you feel really hesitant about something yesterday?
-In what ways were you really scared yesterday? Who would you avoid like you would avoid sharks?
-Do you sense that trouble is about to occur in some way shortly?

For more information read here Sharkdreams

BLOOD: - Were you talking about painful issues yesterday?
- Do you or others feel depressed right now?
- Have you just broken up with a boyfriend or girlfriend?
- Did someone upset you or humiliate you yesterday?
- Has someone intimidated you?

For more information read here Blood dreams

SWIMMING: -Have you been putting in a lot of effort into something?
-Have you realised that you need to change in some way?
-Have you been very emotional recently?
-Have you been very frustrated emotionally?

For more information read here Swimming in dreams

FIGHTING: - Were you feeling very resentful about how someone treated you yesterday?
- Do you feel that someone needs to recognise your achievements?
- Are you resisting someone right now?
- Do you feel you have to work twice as hard as everyone else to be accepted?

For more information read here Fighting dreams

TEETH: - Missing teeth can often represent relationships that have broken up or jobs that you have lost. Losing them is painful and leaves a gap.
- Have you been having teeth problems? It may just be a literal symbol.

For more information read here Teeth dreams

SHOCK: - Were you shocked by someones views yesterday?
- Did something very unexpected happen yesterday?
- Did you realise that your behaviour maybe considered as shocking yesterday?
- Would someone be appalled if they found out what you were really up to?
For more information read here Shock dreams

People in dreams

Pets in dreams

Dreams represent our deep thoughts and feelings. They are metaphors. They use symbols to compare real life to various memories from the past. We use our experience to make sense of the present.

Many dreams are specifically linked to the day before. They are not the only types of dream. Here is a full list.

•Distraction dreams
•Previous day dreams
•Creative dreams
•Personality dreams
•Emotional dreams
•Life change dreams
•Reflective dreams
•Rehearsing dreams
•Next day dreams
•Lots of dreams
•Depression dreams

Try using the following guide to help you find what has triggered your dream. •DREAM GUIDE

A : B : C : D : E : F : G : H : I : J : K : L : M : N : O : P : Q : R : S : T : U : V : W : X : Y : Z