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Fly - dream analysis

THE DREAM The following are short summaries of dream which all contain 'flying'. I have tried best to isolate the symbolic meaning of 'flying' in each dream.

A flying like a bird dream took place as the dreamer had finished a project which filled him with confidence.

A dream where the dreamer puts her hands out like Superman linked to her feeling confident in her abilities at the time.

A bird flying with great purpose was linked to the dreamers thoughts about someone at work. He often talked eloquently and at length about things but he did slow up meetings.

A dream about flying over Manhattan linked to the dreamer thinking about her career. Her parents had ideas about what they wanted her to do.

A flying dream linked to the dreamer feeling an immense sense of confidence and achievement at the time of the dream.

A dream where a plane does not take off linked to the dreamers thoughts about someone she admired. The flight was symbolic of her confidence in him whilst it not taking off symbolised some problems he was having right now.

A dream where the dreamer flew into the air peacefully linked to the dreamers worries about a real flight since her children had ADHD and may cause havoc.

A dream where the dreamers father flies her to NYC linked to the dreamer thinking about meeting a guy from another country who she met on the internet. The flying was symbolic of her needing to travel long distance to meet this guy.

A dream about flying over the city he lived in linked to the dreamer feeling a real sense of enthusiasm about life and where he lived. He was really starting to meet the locals since he had moved.

DREAM BANK : Some other interesting dreams
•Alley - dream analysis
•Ambulances - dream analysis
•Baby - dream analysis
•Bikes - dream analysis
•Books - dream analysis
•Boss dream
•Bull - dream analysis
•Cancer - dream analysis
•Castle - dream analysis
•Chased - dream analysis
•Dreams - Christmas
•Designer suits - dream analysis
•Deep water - dream analysis
•Deserve - dream analysis
•Disgust - dream analysis
•Drugs - dream analysis
•Elementary school - dream analysis
•Empty - dream analysis
•The end of the world dream
•Fight dream
•Fireworks dream
•Football - dream analysis
•Gay - dream analysis
•Hearts - dream analysis
•Hotel - dream analysis
•Jewel - dream analysis
•Knife - dream analysis
•Man - dream analysis
•Mirror - dream analysis
•Mountain - dream analysis
•Music - dream analysis
•Rain - dream analysis
•Safe - dream analysis
•Scorpion dream
•Sex - dream analysis
•Steal - dream analysis
•Suburbs - dream analysis
•Suicide - dream analysis
•Surround - dream analysis
•Teacher - dream analysis
•Teeth - dream analysis
•Terror - dream analysis
•Third floor - dream analysis
•Threat - dream analysis
•Thrift - dream analysis
•Tree - dream analysis

The definitions on this website are based upon real dreams. If you feel like you have a dream which you understand then please feel free to email it to me at