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Jump - dream analysis

THE DREAM The following are short summaries of dream which all contain 'jumping'. I have tried best to isolate the symbolic meaning of 'jumping' in each dream.

A dream where the dreamer 'jumps in' and has to put the plug in to stop the water running away took place as the dreamer was thinking about his charity work. He was often tired and drained. He wanted to show greater discipline and effort. Jumping was symbolic of the great effort he was putting in and the tiredness it was causing.

A dream about something coming straight at me which I skilfully avoid by jumping was linked to the dreamer thinking about a woman who had been asking him a lot of questions about his ideas at work. He had totally misinterpreted her thinking that she was very critical of him. He had answered lots of questions skilfully. Jumping skilfully was symbolic of his agile mind and quick thinking which had allowed him to deflect these critical questions.

A dream about jumping in water to save a friend linked to the dreamer visiting a friend the day before who had been having some bad luck. Jumping in symbolised her feeling of urgency in offering support to this friend who getting overwhelmed.

Jumping in a dream linked to the dreamer wanting to decide her own career path. She was getting a lot of pressure from her mother to follow a more conservative career path. Jumping in showed her insistence on making her own decisions.

A dream where the dreamer jumps linked to him wanting to make some major changes to his life. He wanted to end his involvement with a group of friends who he was drifting away from. Jumping symbolised this decisive moment when he broke with them after which time it may be difficult to reverse the decision.

Jumping off a building linked to the dreamers dislike of premonitions. She was having frightening dreams which came true and this was scaring the life out of her. Jumping symbolised her dislike of this scary ability.

A jump in a dream symbolised a fast moving situation from the day before. The dreamer ignored someone by accident because he did not see them - the person he ignored was from a club he used to visit. He had fallen out of touch with several people from he same place and this was a pity.

Jumping in a dream linked to the dreamer realising a big change had occurred in her life. She had been propositioned and this effectively marked the end of her marriage.

A dream where you can 'jump inside' linked to the dreamer trying to get along with her boss - she was rather cranky and shut people out. Making a jump symbolised the dreamers wish to make that change and become on more friendly terms with her boss.

Jumping in a dream linked to the difference of opinion between the dreamer and her husband. She thought that their marriage counselling was going well but he did not.

A dream about her sister mocking her warning and jumping into the water took place as the dreamer was thinking about an invite to a party. She wanted to stay home and study. Jumping into water was symbolic of the wild party atmosphere.

A dream of her sister in law running and jumping at her was thought to be a premonition of her asking for money the next day. Jumping was symbolic of her desperate situation.

A dream where a grasshopper jumps onto an inchworm took place after the dreamer had played in his band. He was worried that people gave him false praise. He was thinking that he was terrible. The grasshopper 'jumping' onto its prey was symbolic of feelings of vulnerability whilst he was performing.

A dream where the dreamer jumps in slow motion linked to her sister having run away from home. Jumping was symbolic of her thinking through what her sister must have been going through. Jumping represented a fast moving situation.

A dream where the dreamer has to jump in and out of an elevator took place as the dreamer was feeling a lack of support from friends. She was looking for encouragement from those around her. Jumping in and out symbolised her frustration and difficulties.

A dream where the dreamers nephew jumps on the dreamers back and play wrestles with him took place as the dreamer was thinking over some important ideas. He was vigorously playing with these ideas and grappling with some concepts whilst writing an essay. Jumping was symbolic of this vigorous thinking - his playing around with ideas.

A dream where the dreamer screams at her husband to jump in to help her drowning son symbolised her wish for him to try harder with her son. Her husband tended to work long hours and did not spend much time with his son.

A dream about her son jumping and playing was linked to her thinking about how excitable he often was. She was worried that he could injure himself.

A dream about jumping floors from 9 to 52 to 13 was linked to the dreamer thinking about her friend who committed suicide. The jumping was symbolic of the radical mood shifts he was experiencing.

DREAM BANK : Some other interesting dreams
•Adverts - dream analysis
•Actor - dream analysis
•Alligator - dream analysis
•Ambulances - dream analysis
•Ancient - dream analysis
•Ants - dream analysis
•Attack - dream analysis
•Bird - dream analysis
•Blanket - dream analysis
•Bus - dream analysis
•Cancer - dream analysis
•Chased - dream analysis
•Chasing - dream analysis
•Church - dream analysis
•Colleges - dream analysis
•Coma - dream analysis
•Co-worker - dream analysis
•Desert - dream analysis
•Disturbing - dream analysis
•Dogs - dream analysis
•Dolphin dream
•Drugs - dream analysis
•Elementary school - dream analysis
•Exciting - dream analysis
•Factory - dream analysis
•Football - dream analysis
•Golf - dream analysis
•Grandfather - dream analysis
•Guilt - dream analysis
•Halt - dream analysis
•harry Potter - dream analysis
•Ice - dream analysis
•Jesus - dream analysis
•Mansion - dream analysis
•Meteor - dream analysis
•Mountain - dream analysis
•Movies - dream analysis
•Naked - dream analysis
•Nervous - dream analysis
•Parachute - dream analysis
•Prison - dream analysis
•Rain - dream analysis
•Shop - dream analysis
•Shout - dream analysis
•Snow - dream analysis
•Spy - dream analysis
•Steal - dream analysis
•Storm - dream analysis
•Suburbs - dream analysis
•Swamp - dream analysis
•Threat - dream analysis
• Time travel dream analysis
•Tornado - dream analysis
•Upset - dream analysis
•Wasp - dream analysis
•Wolves - dream analysis
•Zombies - dream analysis

The definitions on this website are based upon real dreams. If you feel like you have a dream which you understand then please feel free to email it to me at