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Upset - dream analysis

THE DREAM The following are short summaries of dream which all contain 'upset'. I have tried best to isolate the symbolic meaning of 'upset' in each dream.

A dream about her boyfriend being upset about everything took place as he was moving house. Being upset symbolised her feeling that she be especially considerate to him whilst he was moving because it was bound to cause stress.

A dream where the dreamer is stressed an upset linked to her being unhappy with her husband because he was emotionally draining her.

A dream where the dreamer wakes up in the middle of the night upset and disturbed linked to him losing his job and then finding another. However he completely hated this job and had to keep it until he could find another.

A dream where the dreamer was upset and complained linked to her thinking about leaving her husband.

A dream of a friend who was upset linked to the dreamer waking up feeling miserable and sexually frustrated. The dream was symbolic of his feelings on waking up.

A dream where my husband was very hurt and upset was linked to her thinking about a guy she fancied. She could not stop fantasizing about him. Her husband being upset was symbolic of her thinking through the serious consequences of her having an affair with him - her husband would be very upset.

A dream where the dreamer was increasingly more upset whilst speaking to her boyfriend was linked to a long talk from the day before with him. During this he became increasingly distant and manic. Being upset symbolised her inability to get through to him.

A dream where the dreamer gets upset when her boyfriend keeps following another girl was linked to them getting back together. They talked things through but she could not forgive some of the hurtful things that he had said.

A dream about the dreamer being upset linked to her going wild recently. She did not get along well with her mother and her father had died. She missed her father because they had a special connection.

A dream where the dreamer was upset linked to the dreamers separation with his wife. She had just started dating whilst he had not.

A dream where the dreamer got upset and angry linked to his best friend dying two months previously. He was finding this difficult to accept.

A dream where the dreamers seemed upset at being dead linked to him recently breaking up with his girlfriend. His life felt a little empty at times.

A dream where the dreamers brother was not upset linked to the dreamer being made to do something by her brother the day before. He said it would not cause problems but he knew it was dangerous and would get them into trouble.

A dream where the dreamer felt upset because time was moving linked to him doing a lot of phoning around the day before. He wasted a lot of time and mental energy for no reason.

A dream where the dreamer acted cool but was really upset linked to him thinking about his grandfather. His mind and health have recently declined and they were forced to place him in a nursing home, just the day before. This was the first time that he did not seem like the man he had been before.

A dream where the dreamer was very upset linked to her suffering from flu at the time. Illness always heightens the emotions and we often feel unhappy.

A dream in which the dreamer was 'nearly dead and not that upset about it' probably linked to the dreamer going through a stressful time with her daughter.

A dream about being upset was thought to be a premonition of the day to come when the dreamer was asked for money by her sister in law. The dreamer thought she was getting out of hand.

A dream where the dreamer felt really depressed and upset was linked to some thoughts about the man who appeared in the dream. He was leaving for London and wanted to the dreamer to take over his club. The dreamer was not sure that he had the confidence.

A dream about a snake which was 'upset that I could not read its mind' linked to an incident the day before where one of the dreamers tenants had asked him to pick up her child from school. He did not want this to happen on a permanent basis. The snake being upset probably linked to this situation in some way. Many dreams are about us trying to understand other peoples feelings.

DREAM BANK : Some other interesting dreams
•Ancient - dream analysis
•Attempt - dream analysis
•Baby - dream analysis
•Blame - dream analysis
•Breathing - dream analysis
•Bridge - dream analysis
•Butterfly - dream analysis
•Castle - dream analysis
•Chased - dream analysis
•Chasing - dream analysis
•Casual clothes - dream analysis
•Coma - dream analysis
•Co-worker - dream analysis
•Deserve - dream analysis
•Disturbing - dream analysis
•Doctors - dream analysis
•Drowning - dream analysis
•Drugs - dream analysis
•Drunks - dream analysis
•Elementary school - dream analysis
•Empty - dream analysis
•Exciting - dream analysis
•Execution - dream analysis
•Factory - dream analysis
•Father - dream analysis
•Fight dream
•Gift - dream analysis
•Golf - dream analysis
•Grab - dream analysis
•Grandfather - dream analysis
•Guilt - dream analysis
•Hotel - dream analysis
•Insect - dream analysis
•Intruder - dream analysis
•Jump - dream analysis
•King - dream analysis
•Man - dream analysis
•Mirror - dream analysis
•Monster - dream analysis
•Naked - dream analysis
•Panic - dream analysis
•Park - dream analysis
•Pets - dream analysis
•Pond - dream analysis
•Prison - dream analysis
•Protection - dream analysis
•Pulling - dream analysis
•Queen - dream analysis
•River - dream analysis
•Sailing ship - dream analysis
•Scorpion dream
•Sex - dream analysis
•Shark - dream analysis
•Shock - dream analysis
•Staring - dream analysis
•Steal - dream analysis
•Suddenly - dream analysis
•Swamp - dream analysis
•Thrift - dream analysis
•Upset - dream analysis
•Vampire dream
• Werewolf dream analysis
•Zombies - dream analysis

The definitions on this website are based upon real dreams. If you feel like you have a dream which you understand then please feel free to email it to me at