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Alien - dream analysis

THE DREAM The following are short summaries of dream which all contain aliens. I have tried best to isolate the symbolic meaning of aliens in each dream.

A dream where the dreamer crosses over a bridge near some aliens linked to the dreamer starting to deal with some difficult childhood issues. She had always felt cut off and very different from everyone else. She never really fitted in.

A dream with aliens coming to get the dreamer linked to the dreamer being unable to trust anyone. She felt so alone and so very different from everyone else.

A dream trying to dodge aliens linked to the dreamer trying to mix in with people from a completely different background than himself. He felt really out of place and intimidated.

An alien coming to get the dreamer symbolised the dreamers worry that she might lose her home. The alien symbolised an all powerful force that the dreamer had no chance of fighting.

An alien dream took place on day before the dreamers first day at school. This captured her inability to imagine what this would be like.

An alien dream took place at the dreamers first day at college. It represented his total inability to imagine what this would be like.

A dream about an alien craft linked to the dreamer having to hand over control to some people that she did not know the day before. She did not know them and they now have powers to control her.

A dream about an alien spaceship linked to the dreamers fear that his health was getting worse. He was worried that he was entering a strange new phase of his life where his health problems would totally alter his life in ways that he could not imagine.

A dream looking up at an alien spaceship linked to the dreamer being spiritually enlightened at the time. The aliens represented his mind exploring higher supernatural and spiritual forces.

DREAM BANK : Some other interesting dreams
•Actor - dream analysis
•Alcohol - dream analysis
•Alley - dream analysis
•Ancient - dream analysis
•Attack - dream analysis
•Baseball - dream analysis
•Bed - dream analysis
•Boss dream
•Bull - dream analysis
•Burns - dream analysis
•Caves - dream analysis
•Church - dream analysis
•Death - dream analysis
•Demon - dream analysis
•Dragons - dream analysis
•Drugs - dream analysis
•Earthquake - dream analysis
•Empty - dream analysis
•Farm - dream analysis
•Fly - dream analysis
•Gift - dream analysis
•Grab - dream analysis
•Ice creams - dream analysis
•Insect - dream analysis
•Jewel - dream analysis
•Knife - dream analysis
•Mansion - dream analysis
•Military - dream analysis
•Mother - dream analysis
•Motorbike - dream analysis
•Movies - dream analysis
•Parachute - dream analysis
•Paralysed - dream analysis
• Pirates - dream analysis
•President - dream analysis
•Pushing - dream analysis
•Rain - dream analysis
•Rat - dream analysis
•River - dream analysis
•Scorpion dream
•Shark - dream analysis
•Shock - dream analysis
•Shop - dream analysis
•Skyscraper - dream analysis
•Snow - dream analysis
•Spy - dream analysis
•Stage - dream analysis
•Surround - dream analysis
•Sweating - dream analysis
•Teeth - dream analysis
•Threat - dream analysis
• Time travel dream analysis
•Upset - dream analysis
•Wedding dream
•Zombies - dream analysis

The definitions on this website are based upon real dreams. If you feel like you have a dream which you understand then please feel free to email it to me at