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POSTED August 20, 2011, 00:06 by Iceberg rose (Viewed 387 times)

THE DREAM : Saturday, August 20, 2011

This was another busy dream with lots of activities and encounters at bus stops along the way. I have summarized it as it is another epic worthy of a movie scale script.

When I sat down on my dream bus trip my fellow traveller was a musical friend who has been part of our musical life for the last 15 years on and off. In this dream he stayed the same person but dressed in lots of different ways and changed his hairstyle at each stop.

Sometimes he was shaven sometimes not. Sometime he looked like his usual bohemian self with his crazy beard and thinning whispy long strawberry blonde hair. In other places he was in a suit with short cropped hair and a beardless face so looked quite unlike his usual self.

All through the dream we kept bumping into each other and having little conversations to share information or explain things to each other we didn’t understand.

The bus took an unusual route that took less time to get to where I wanted to go than I expected. I often got on and off it at different stops and constantly felt concerned I would miss the time to get back on it again, I was careless about noting the times down.

In one stop I was visiting a friend since my childhood and was interested in her new home. It had a swimming pool off the front balcony and she jumped on a platform there to dive in but it broke and she fell into the water instead. I noticed the whole dwelling was makeshift and seemed unsafe so I was keen to move on.

In another place the bus stopped at a beach cove and I climbed up the well worn crags beside this stop to the big old house that was on top of it. As I walked the last few steps toward the back door I noticed some children playing. I took time to noticed they were making all sorts of interesting sculptures out of plaster of paris.

Looking around I realized this whole house was full of them made down through the ages it had been here.

Each sculpture was very well made but seemed to be of mythical creatures that represented ancient magic. I asked a child there to let me hold what she was making so I could see its craftsmanship better and she handed me a life sized frog that was nearly finished. The coloring of it needed to be completed before it was ready to be a lovely garden ornament like a gnome.

I was distracted just after this by a talking walrus that had its shoulder eaten out so that a yawning cavity of fresh flesh was open for all to see. I couldn’t help but wonder who had done this when a little dog jumped into the cavity and ate some more. I noticed the gaping hole seemed to almost liberate this walrus though it looked so decidedly dangerous to a scientific eye. The walrus showed no ill effects and got on with its life.

Just after this in my dream I began to pray. In my dreams this is not uncommon for me to do. In the dream I felt the power of prayer coming into me and for some ten or so minutes I was under the power of it.

Just after this my companion on the bus appeared dressed in a suit with short back and sides. We had a conversation and the dream closed with me still uncertain what time to catch the bus.

THE BACKGROUND:I had a Chinese massage yesterday and it felt like something biting into me when my shoulders were massaged so I guess I am a bit like the walrus in my dream.

I don’t really know what the bus trip might be related to or the sculptures the children were making in the big old house on the hill. My hunch is it may be to do with enchantment I feel riddles one of my sister’s homes. Her home is on the crags beside a small sea cove.

I made decision yesterday that it is not safe for me to have anything to do with her any more. My husband commented that I seemed very stressed and that is what we talked about as he debriefed me.

As I was praying for her yesterday I confessed I felt she is a bit of a witch when all is said and done. I handed her over to God in my prayers yesterday so the dream seems to link to that.

The friend in my dream responded to a reflection I sent out yesterday and I find he is a changeable character as the needs arise in the awake world. He can be a bit of a clown. In the big old house his normal state of appearance would be entirely consistent with that venue but in a suit and tie with no beard and short back and sides he looked so out of place.
N (POSTED November 6, 2011, 06: 7: 44)
This is an article that makes you think “never tughoht of that!”-----------------------------------------------------
N (POSTED November 6, 2011, 06: 7: 46)
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DREAM ANALYSIS Reading other peoples dreams helps you understood how dreams work and how they relate to recent thoughts and feelings. Below are some links to some interesting dreams.

Vampirism by Gypsyroving
Arrested by Gypsyroving
I FOUGHT OFF THE RED CRABS by iceberg rose
Komodo Dragon by KarenT
Swimming in a pool with frogs by Jillw06
1poision3nonpoisionsnakes by sweetwater5655
Pregnancy Premonition by ecslater
My Premonitions by BrandonBanks720
THE ROAD MAP - my husbands dream by Iceberg rose
Tornado Dream by rkwarr6f
waking up by lastride77
Wild Horses by LindaBBlack
Dolphin jumping to God by Carlee
A DOING STUFF DREAM by iceberg rose

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Dreamwork and dream interpreting
Dream types
A modern theory of dreams
Dream dictionary and dream symbol study

Try this dream guide to help you understand the symbols in your dreams. DREAM GUIDE

DREAM INTERPRETATION PROGRAM: When you post a dream a list of symbols will appear here. They will help you work out what has caused your dream. The following dream symbols all appear in THIS DREAM.

ANCIENT TIMES: Dreams tap into some specific thought or feeling that we associate with ancient times. Films about ancient times tend to be very dramatic and epic so it maybe your minds way of referring to some epic in your own life. Ancient times were very brutal so it maybe that someone was especially brutal or uncaring yesterday. We also associate ancient times with profound ideas and philosophical feelings. Greek democracy was pure and noble. One dreamer in the studies had been toying with philosphical ideas the day before and that seems to be what triggered his dream.

For more information read here Ancient times

DOGS: If dreams symbolise our thoughts and feelings then what could dogs represent? A dog is devoted and loyal and is often described as man's best friend. So a dog generally means that the theme of loyalty or lack of it has been on your mind. Try to find the link. Did someone really stick by you yesterday? Did you expect more loyalty from someone yesterday?

For more information read here Dog dreams

SWIMMING: Dream symbols reflect reality so there is something about swimming which makes a point about your own feelings. Swimming involves great effort and energy. Remember that dreams are about your emotions so think of ways in which you have been putting lots of effort and energy into emotional projects. Have you realised that you need to change? Have you been investing lots of emotional energy in a project. Have you been very frustrated emotionally? Thoughts and intuitions like this could have triggered your dream.

For more information read here Swimming in dreams

FINISH: What does it mean if you are finishing something in a dream? Well think of the wider appplications of that theme. Have you been thinking how long something has taken to complete? Do you feel totally unprepared for something? (so you worry that something is unlikely to be completed. Do you need to try harder in some way? (so something is more likely to be completed).

For more information read here Finish dreams

SCULPTURE: What have rreal studies about sculpture revealed about dreams? Well sculture is quite a creative activity and so can be associated with ideas and inventiveness ass well as artistic pursuits. In many cases it just showed that the dreamer had been clever or creative the day before or had met someone who had been creative.

JUMP: -Have you been thinking about some change which you need to make?
-Did someone act decisively yesterday?
-Do you feel under pressure at the moment?
-Have you just radically changed your view on something?
-Did someone act very hastily yesterday?

For more information read here Jumping in dreams

Ships in dreams

SPIES: Dreams are metaphors which maybe link to real life in ways which seem illogical. But in fact they are symbols for day to day emotions and feelings. Try to see what is associated with spies. The world of spy is full of paranoias and worries. Our studies featured a spy dream which followed on from a day in which the dreamer felt very paranoid - as f she had been watched. So the dream taps into the same kind of emotions and is therefore seen as a metaphor for real life.

For more information about spies in dreams then read here - Spies in dreams

Swimming pool in dreams

Suits in dreams

Music in dreams

Movies in dreams

Dreams represent our deep thoughts and feelings. They are metaphors. They use symbols to compare real life to various memories from the past. We use our experience to make sense of the present.

Many dreams are specifically linked to the day before. They are not the only types of dream. Here is a full list.

•Distraction dreams
•Previous day dreams
•Creative dreams
•Personality dreams
•Emotional dreams
•Life change dreams
•Reflective dreams
•Rehearsing dreams
•Next day dreams
•Lots of dreams
•Depression dreams

Try using the following guide to help you find what has triggered your dream. •DREAM GUIDE

A : B : C : D : E : F : G : H : I : J : K : L : M : N : O : P : Q : R : S : T : U : V : W : X : Y : Z