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Psychic dream - brother in trouble

Look for little coincidences on dreams. In this dream the dreamers brother was getting in trouble with the school board whilst in life the dreamer was worried about her brother plagiarizing an essay at school. The two could well be connected.

THE DREAM I had a dream and saw my brother crawling along the hallway, when I saw him I ran to him and he had no legs. So I picked him up and it turned out that he was just a baby(in reality he's quite tall). I took him to a table and took care of him, he was okay after that. When I woke up, I had a strong feeling that He'd get into trouble with the school board.

THE REALITY In reality, a few days later, the dreamer warned her brother that he would be caught plagiarizing a paper. He didn't listen to her and he was actually caught plagiarizing a paper and got in a lot of trouble with the school's board.

DREAM BANK : Some other interesting dreams
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The definitions on this website are based upon real dreams. If you feel like you have a dream which you understand then please feel free to email it to me at