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Premonition dream - intruder in the house

THE DREAM - I was in my bedroom. I wake up and feel extremely anxious. there is some kind of ghost or intruder in the house. I wake up and feel the need to go and check all the rooms.

THE REALITY This dream could be a premonition of the next day. The dream was shocked by the behaviour of a neighbour who acted in a very intrusive way. He was very large and intimidating and also very drunk. He did not feel as settled inside his own home with someone so intimidating so near.

THE INTERPRETATION Premonitions may be very easy to spot. Many premonitions come true very quickly. They come true on the actual day of the dream. So look out for surprise events and situations. See if these relate at all to the dream symbols.

This dream featured an intruder. In reality the dreamers neighbour acted in a very intrusive way whilst drunk. The dreamer felt very shocked by this sudden outburst. He lived in a rough block of flats and generally tried to keep a distance from his neighbours trying not to interact with them at all.

Symbolic Meanings
INTRUDER : The dream was possibly a premonition of a very intrusive situation the very next day

DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I believe the dream to be a premonition of a situation the next day which was very intrusive. ".

See how the Symbolic meanings capture emotions that the dreamer felt the next day

DREAM BANK : Some other interesting dreams
•Psychic dream - brother is annoying
•Baby crying dream
•Negative dream
•Psychic dream - Aberfan school disaster
•Singing candle in the wind - precognitive dream
•Eerie crash premonition
•Psychic dream - niece breaks arm
•Nail hanging off in pain - Precognitive dream
•Dream of death which could be a premonition
•Psychic dream - cat dead and bloody
•Identical dream - dream analysis
•Dream - You must go and visit your grandpa
•Dream - stood in great sadness
•Reading of tragedy of ship sinking - precognitive dream
•Adolf Hitlers psychic dream
•Premonition dream - intruder in the house
•Psychic dream of Japanese earthquake
•Little girl dream
•Bright light grabs baby - dream analysis
•Father saying something is wrong - premonition dream
•Impressive apartment dream - psychic premonition
•Premonition of movie sequel
•Car crashed and smashed up - dream analysis
•General in charge - dream analysis
•Psychic dream - mother spring cleaning
•Suicide bomb - dream analysis
•Teacher From The Past dream
•Telepathy - dream analysis
•The world is submerged dream
•Upside down dream
•Death - dream analysis
•Mother not look after kids - dream analysis
•William Tindall dies helping people in overturned Lifeboat - premonition dream

The definitions on this website are based upon real dreams. If you feel like you have a dream which you understand then please feel free to email it to me at