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Dream symbols - principals office

THE DREAM I slept all morning and afternoon. I had a dream that my ex husband and I had twins. One of them had blonde hair and blue eyes and his name was zach(I have no son in reality called John). He was so self sufficient that we didn't even know he existed and didn't know until he was 7. I had gone to take our son John (John is my real son - he is 7 years old) to school and I had to turn around to bring him to his dad because he was acting so horrible. Then I guess his dad brought him back to school because I got a call from the principals office asking me to come in. I got to the school and had john waiting in the chair for me and I requested to see "zach"- when he came out it was a strange reunion but I wanted to tell him how good he was being in school.

THE REALITY The dreamer was staying at her ex husbands house as they have remained good friends. She was asleep half an hour before her husband returned. He picked up their son from school. The dreamers husband told her how their son had had a terrible day at school. Her son was generally a good child except for the occasional 'hissy fit' like a normal 7 year old boy. But that day he made fun of a little girl, cut his shirt with scissors "because he wanted to" and talked back to his teacher.

THE INTERPRETATION This dream seems to be some form of premonition or telepathy. The similarities between the dream and reality are obvious. The dream deals with her son behaving badly. It was not the same son but some son they did not know they had.

The dream uses Zach as a symbol for her real son (John) because he was exhibiting behaviour which was quite new. He was behaving like someone completely different. He was behaving in way which was quite out of character.

Dream Dictionary Meanings
TWIN : "Its like he is a completely different son. He looks the same but he has suddenly become the evil twin child"
NOT KNOW HE EXISTED : "I did not know my son had that side to his personality"

DREAM MEANING The dream was a premonition of her sons misbehaving. It was the first time he behaved like that.

DREAM BANK : Some other interesting dreams
•Nightmares prior to 9-11 terror attacks
•Negative dream
•Nan disappears in tsunami - dream symbolism
•Dream - spooky breast implants premonition
•Psychic dream - mother calls name
•Singing candle in the wind - precognitive dream
•Eerie crash premonition
•Psychic dream - cat dies
•"Death Dream comes true
•Feeling angry upset and demon - premonition dream
•Snake and elegant phone - dream analysis
•Psychic dream - prisoner released
•Psychic dream - Afghanistan helicopter went down
•Little girl dream
•Community centre but locked out - dream symbolism
•Mother asks for help - dream analysis
•Impressive apartment dream - psychic premonition
•Psychic dream of neighbour moving
•Dream - Broken bottle of perfume
•Premonition of movie sequel
•President Lincolns precognitive dream of his own death
•Prospect Road - dream analysis
•Sky destroyed - dream interpretation
•Car crashed and smashed up - dream analysis
•Premonition Dream - something thrown at house
•The world is submerged dream
•Upside down dream
•Death - dream analysis
•Mother not look after kids - dream analysis

The definitions on this website are based upon real dreams. If you feel like you have a dream which you understand then please feel free to email it to me at