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Dream - gypsies squatting in garden

THE DREAM - There seemed to be lots of gypsies or some group of highly undesirable people who had suddenly started squatting in the back garden. It seemed as if they were here to stay. I saw my neighbour staring disapprovingly at them. It seemed like a bit of a nightmare scenario.

THE REALITY The dreamer really did not get on with his elderly neighbour. He realised that he was probably her nightmare neighbour. He had thinking how he should show more consideration towards her. She was very conservative and hated low class people, foreigners and gypsies. She was not easy to get on with but he did realise that some of his actions were unreasonable. He was starting to realise that his neighbour really hated him.

THE INTERPRETATION Some dreams help us put things in perspective. They help us see things from someone else's point of view. This dreamers neighbour definitely didn't like him. From her point of view, he was the kind of "undesirable" who was in the dream. He was the nightmare neighbour that was in the dream. The dream turns things around a little. In this dream the dreamer experiences a worst possible scenario. He witnesses nightmare neighbours who look they are there to stay.

The dream probably taps into this kind of thought "I should try to be more considerate. I am probably her nightmare scenario. How would I feel if I had a nightmare neighbour."

DREAM BANK : Some other interesting dreams
•Afterlife dream
•Dream interpretation - killing aliens
•Alligators at crossroads - dream analysis
•An amazing coincidence - dream analysis
•Dream - girlfriend in Antarctica
•Argue with drunk dream
•Watching TV with him dream
•Waterfall dream
•Photo album ended - dream
•Bible verses dream
•Dream symbols - my husband has girlfriend who has cyst or tumor
•Cancer pain - dream analysis
•Dream symbolism - phone answering machine
•Free chocolate cake - dream analysis
•Cheating on boyfriend
•Dream symbols - Circular bridge
•Collecting butchers knives dream
•Three coyotes walking with me!
•Dream symbols - cute little puppy wags tail
•Dream - sex with doctor
•Digs biting- dream dictionary
•Drunken promise dream
•Wedding on edge of cliff dream
•Swimming with sharks - dream analysis
•Date with ex boyfriends brother - dream analysis
•We were together dream
•Fighting my father - dream analysis
•Swarms of flies and father warns - dream symbolism
•Dream analysis - forgot a relative
•Frozen snake cannot bite - dream dictionary
•A plane crashes and cars spin - dream meaning
•Beaten up by Tom Cruise - dream analysis
•Dream - Pleading with a guy
•Haunted house dream
•Holding a baby gently - dream symbolism
•Highly rehearsed - dream analysis
•Ignoring my father dream interpretation
•Impressing women - dream analysis
•Long tube dream
•New born baby dream analysis
•Dream interpretation - overheard boyfriend
•Pack of dogs dream
•Dream - penis in food blender
•Grabbing snakes - dream analysis
•Rat bites pet cat - dream analysis
•All teeth removed - dream analysis
•Saving parents dream
•Eating biscuits in sewage - dream analysis
•Leeches as a collar around my neck.
•Sitting in an igloo dream
•Skyscraper collapses dream
•Snake is almost dead - dream analysis
•Snakes dream
•Dream symbolism - roller-coaster
•Sucking co-workers breasts dream
•Guidance of angel
•Swim to victory - dream interpretation
•Taking toys away from a child - dream analysis
•Throwing a cooked hot dog
•Fiancé saves me dream
•Ignoring a tornado - dream analysis
•Dream symbols - werewolf orgy
•Vampire dream
•King monster chasing and killing dream analysis
•Ex husband in a coma
•Dream interpretation – war zone
•Friend duel dream interpretation
•Getting married in pink - dream symbolism
•Misheard woman - dream analysis
•Dream meanings - scorpion chasing my son
•Danger from wolves - dream analysis
•Chased by wolves dream
•Carrying the woman I love - dream analysis
•Dream symbols - workshop

The definitions on this website are based upon real dreams. If you feel like you have a dream which you understand then please feel free to email it to me at