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ignored by boss - dream analysis

This dream had a simple message - a dream where she was not enjoying her job reflected her dislike of her new job.

THE DREAM - I got a new job as an overnight security guard at a homeless shelter. I had my uniform on and was working the 8:oo pm to 5:00am shift. I was uncomfortable being there and surrounded by dirty homeless people. I was counting down the minutes until I could leave. My old boss from old job walked in and ignored me. I chased him as he walked out of the shelter and I asked him why he was ignoring me. He stared crying and said that his wife wanted to leave him and that they were going on a break. I told him I was sorry and we sat on a bench for a while.

GUESSWORK The previous day the dreamer met an old friend and they talked a lot about career choices. The dreamer is 3 months into a new job that she doesn't really like.

The "Guesswork" stage of interpreting a dream involves spotting issues likely to cause dreams. For help with this click here

1. The dream has several connections with work. The dreamer is in a dead end job and later on her old boss appears. That's not a coincidence. The dream is probably about work.
2. The dream has negative feelings throughout it. It could easily be associated with other negative feelings. Since the dreamer had been feeling negatively about work the day before then its likely to be about that.
3. The dream features the ex boss talking about feelings. This portion of the dream does seem to have the look and feel of a friendly emotional talk.

DREAM ANALYSIS In guesswork the dream was linked to the dreamers thoughts about his new job of three months. Its easy to see how the dream deals with the following themes:
- feeling uncomfortable
- regret
- something now past and gone

If you weave together the different themes then you find that the dream could easily capture this following feeling - "I am really starting to dislike my new job. I do not enjoy it. I wish I was doing my old job but that's all in the past now"

This dream is like many dreams which mirror the same themes that have been bothering the dreamer in real life. Here the themes of regret, things in the past and work appear in both real life and in the dream. The dream does not mention the real life issue directly yet it does feature exactly these same themes.

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The definitions on this website are based upon real dreams. If you feel like you have a dream which you understand then please feel free to email it to me at