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Scream or help - dream analysis

Try to see how dreams mirror reality. In real life the dreamer had been frustrated at how she had been made homeless by her flatmate. In the dream this theme is repeated as the dreamer is told she is going to be homeless in a sloppy thoughtless way. Its likely that the dream is about this real life situation.

THE DREAM In the dream I was renting a room from a doctor that was treating me for anxiety. He had a bunch of rooms in a place that he rented and for some reason I had rented a few of them before. I knew this because I found an old painting that was given to me on the floor of one room and the other room I could just sense I lived in. All the rooms had a normal feeling about them even though the rooms were all dingy with dirty hard wood floors. They all were warmly lit also. The new room that I was experiencing was completely different though. I had been moved to this room by someone else. It felt entirely different. It had a door at one end that led to a small balcony and all of my belongings. I had been moved there in a sloppy thoughtless way. When I saw all of my belongings shoved into this new room I immediately felt like someone was making a decision for me because they felt I was unfit to make my own decision. As I went into the room I could feel a weight in the room. It truly felt like a spirit. I knew something was wrong with the room. Regardless I decided to go take a walk and smoke weed with my room mate down the hall. My room mate down the hall in the complex of rooms was my room mate in reality. We started walking on the side of the freeway and smoking when a black car pulled up. I was extremely paranoid at that moment but my room mate was calm. When the car doors opened to my surprise a bunch of chubby girls came out and started flashing us. My room mate laughed as I flashed them back. At the next moment I was back in my room and decided to go to sleep. When I woke up all of my belongings were all over the floor and my shelf was tipped over to block the door. When I saw this I was in complete panic. I knew there was someone or something else in the room with me. The table directly by my door began slowly moving towards me. I acknowledged the spirit moving it in a manor that said I wasn't afraid although I was scared shit less. When I started to scream for my room mate to come see to prove I wasn't crazy I lost my breath. I fell to the floor gasping and trying to scream "help!". Finally I crawled to my room mates room and she was still completely calm about my condition. She came to my room with me and some random Latin man joined us. They were looking at me like I was nuts. Then we all decided to walk to the balcony. At that point I woke up.

GUESSWORK The dreamers two room mates had just decided to move out leaving her needing to find new accommodation within two months. The dreamer was also stressed out because of a difficult brother and had recently left a bad relationship.

The "Guesswork" stage of interpreting a dream involves spotting issues likely to cause dreams. For help with this click here

1. DOCTOR AND ANXIETY. Dreams represent how you feel inside. The dreamer obviously was very distressed about the thought that she was soon to be homeless. So anxiety was a very relevant emotion in both real life and in the dream.
2. SCREAMING. The yelling in the dream probably represents the dreamers initial reaction to the news that she was to be homeless. The shock of this news made her "want to scream".
3. ROOMMATE BEHAVES CALMLY. Dreams will often pinpoint some key moment which really stands out for you. In this case its probably the expression on the dreamers flatmate. The flatmate was delivering some news which would obviously upset and stress the dreamer. No one likes to deliver bad news and flatmate was trying to pass it on without appearing as if it was a big deal. Yet for the dreamer this stood out and made the her feel as if her flatmate was not sympathetic or did not understand the disruption that this would cause.
4. MOVED TO NEW ROOM. This is an exact parallel for real life. The dreamer was having to move to a new home in the same way that.
5. MOVED IN SLOPPY WAY. This is probably the crux of the dreams meaning. It captures a key feeling for the dreamer. She was being forced to move and felt that her flatmate had handled this in a sloppy way. So the dream pinpoints this feeling "She has made me homeless. The worst thing about it was that she handled it in a sloppy and thoughtless way."
6. DECISION MADE FOR ME. The dreamer felt under compulsion and as if she was having decisions made for her. This is an exact parallel for real life again. It mirrors these emotions - "I am becoming homeless. It has really upset me and I am particularly upset because I feel as if some major change has taken place and I have no influence over it. It's like the decision has been taken for me."

DREAM ANALYSIS In guesswork the dream was linked to the dreamers need to move out and the way in which her flatmate told her. The dream deals with the following themes
- The dreamers emotional upset at being told that she needs to find a new home
- the way in which her flatmate told her this news

If you weave together the different themes you find that they could capture these thoughts -"I was told by my flatmate that she is moving out so I need to find a new apartment. She handled it all in an extremely thoughtless way. I just want to scream. She just told me like it was no big deal."

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The definitions on this website are based upon real dreams. If you feel like you have a dream which you understand then please feel free to email it to me at